Difference Between Dedicated Hosting and Shared Hosting

 What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is the service which allows the organizations and individuals to place their website on the internet. A web hoster providing the technical assistance to publish their website on the internet. The process behind this is that these websites are placed in a computer named server. When someone wants to access their website through the browser they search by its address. If you do not have a domain the companies who provide hosting give you their space. For the one who in UAE and looking for Web hosting companies in UAE you can trust Verbat.

 Here we are discussing the main difference between Dedicated Hosting and Shared Hosting

  1. Dedicated Hosting

  2. Shared Hosting


1. Shared Hosting

As compared with dedicated hosting, shared hosting is less expensive. Here you get a room on the server. You are renting a server that hosts multiple domains, you are sharing your space with the neighbors. The most important fact lied is you can only use the remaining part that your neighbor used. It may decline the functionality of your domain. This is better for beginners and the ones who want to keep their server small. I never suggest shared hosting for a growing business.

2. Dedicated Hosting

As the name indicates this is exclusively for you and costlier than the shared hosting. Only you have the access, not like the shared hosting. In shared hosting, if your neighbor did not take the necessary security measures which will affect you as well. It is of two types: managed dedicated hosting and unmanaged dedicated hosting. The main difference is that in managed hosting the service provider will give technical assist and hardware. In unmanaged dedicated hosting, all these responsibilities are yours.

If You are looking for Dedicated Server Hosting in Dubai, Verbat is a good choice for you.


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